Welcome to LLLOOOP

The inside of our wristband says “The only real measure of a person is how much love and how little hate they spread over this planet in their life.” It also says the acronym of LLLOOOP “Life Love Liberty Our Odyssey’s Only Purpose”.

Why is it called LLLOOOP?
The Loop (marine and aeronautical term for circumnavigation of the earth). In our case LLLOOOP refers to the all 195 nations we have on our planet.
We spell loop with 3 L’s and 3 O’s because we want you to be able to chant or yell it at stadiums like it was a longer word L–O–O–P. An uplifting statement of our desire for a world that cares about all people. And… In this internet world the common 4 letter spelling has 20 different products and websites already in use so we had to get creative.

With regards to stadium chants we feel LLLOOOP is much more unifying than kneeling and entirely respectful of our National Anthem (please do not chant during a national anthem).

Solving a world full of problems:
Today’s 2024 world problems – war Ukraine, hostilities N. Korea, threatening behavior by Jinping in China, lingering effects of Covid 19, fighting between Israel and Palestine, terrorism, prejudice, the poor, suffering and homeless. And on the near horizon currency disruptions, economic issues, pollution, chemicals, AI, on and on.

We live in crazy times and it is trending to get crazier. Life was better or more straightforward just 5 years ago. Much better 20 years ago. WE are totally un-recognizable from just 40 years ago. At just 100 years ago you are talking the invention of such things as cars and phones and toilet paper. How can we rein in all the promise technology has given in a way that actually makes life happier? You wish to go the bed and night feeling safe and protected and wake in the morning with joy for a new day.

Politics has become a mess and a giant pit worldwide, healthcare, insurance, all pretty awful and awfully expensive. Our food quality is safer but full of pesticides and chemicals that lead to long-term health problems and good raw organic food is priced beyond the reach of most common people – real people working all day cannot afford good food? How is this a world we’ve become?

Ask yourself – why are you here on this planet?
Are we supposed to learn anything during our Life?
What is the single most important thing or feeling in your life?
You are standing on a planet right now that is spinning at the equator 1000 miles per hour (making a full rotation every 24 hours) while also traveling 67,000 miles per hour through space as it takes 365 days to orbit around our sun. (YouTube Space Matters – The real movement or Earth through the Galaxy)
Our beautiful blue planet is the only inhabitable place amongst a solar system composed of fire Ice Gases and Rocks. Our planet is wonderous and stunningly fit for our needs and all the best nutrients and tranquility from morning birds chirping to fresh water running over rocks to sooth our souls. Our brains capable of great thinking and creativity. Our anatomy capable of very fine motor skills and dexterity and touch. Sights sound taste smell. Live Life Love Our Odyssey’s Only Purpose. LLLOOOP

If you have a chance to reflect on your life before you die you will come to realize that the only meaningful thing you acquired here was Love. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else can solve our problems in the world either. The only way to get all your doctors and lawyers and politicians and leaders to solve anything meaningful is if love is in their hearts. Technology can always be used for good or evil. Powerful people most often have self-centered ambitions of wealth, power, and fame. A world with today’s technology but without love is no achievement and will only bring chaos and hardship. Yet apply Love to each use of power or wealth and you could achieve a happiness and harmony on the entire planet.

Importantly – We want our leaders to know we care about all people in all countries and there should be no greater achievement than a world of no aggression against other peoples. Lets be clear… No country should invade another and the entire world should come to the rescue of any such aggression for any and all peoples. Technology has created a smaller more Prejudice world.
The point is there was virtually no travel, no technology, no worldwide communication just over 100years ago. When from 1920 to 1930 all that would start to change in some countries. Automobiles, telephones, electricity in homes then all becoming available to more working class people. Search it today – look at what life was like in 1910 compared to 1930 in your country and get an idea of just one lifetime ago how different the world was. In 1920 if you saw a movie there was no sound as that technology was not yet invented. The zipper was invented in 1917. Fast Forward to today. Holy crap – Talk about change. How did your grandparents even survive it.
Innovation, travel and the shear number of people. In 1920 there was less than 2 billion souls on the planet. Today there are 3 billion in just China and India alone. The 3rd largest country by population is the U.S. and its 331 million and the world population is about 7.8 billion. If you think your country is breaking at the seams with all the infux of nationalities and population growth what must it be like in
China or India. Do you care? People who are comfortable do not like change – alas those who are persecuted or poor are desperate for it. Should you care? Yes, Greatly.
All people want happiness. To prejudge someone because of their nationality or ancestry or color has to be about the single greatest example of a fearful insecure person or a very tiny brain. The diversity is what is beautiful. How terrible would it be if there was only one type of tree or one type of fish or dog etc. In all nations
there is far too much intolerance of other people. We need world leaders who care about all countries not just their own. Love thy neighbor. If we intentionally buy goods and create good solid relationships around the world to promote world success. And we can stop bad leaders by simply not providing them our services. If Putin shows up you don’t serve him -anywhere. You don’t trade with him, we the people can block him from landing on our soil because he is not welcome. This would be much more powerful than just NATO sanctions.