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Can we change the world with a wristband?
The power of your thoughts and what you say are infectious to those around you. If your day starts with someone saying something nice it can make your day brighter – put you in a good mood. And one of the best ways to ensure you get anything you want in this life is to hold it close to your daily thoughts. By wearing the LLLOOOP you are not only keeping your thoughts started that way every morning you put it
on but those around you are also brought into that circle because they see it on your wrist and it’s a very positive message. The world needs more positive messages. We all stand together for the life love and liberty of all people, all countries. It’s a small place – really

Artificial Intelligence (Ai) is here. It’s a common subject in 2023/24. Ai has been here through social media gathering and the best algorithms of sales online for a few years. Now it’s spreading into all forms of commerce and warfare. The real threat of Ai is its impact on humanity. We are not going to stop it – it’s part of technology and from a warfare standpoint if one country has it then all will need it for defense. Simply, no-one has ever pushed the Nuclear war button because that has always been up to a person to decide and no matter how much hate that person has he also doesn’t want to quit living. Now you have a technology containing as much information as can be gathered about virtually everything and capable of storing and receiving limitless amounts of data. Way more data than the human who
created it. The real problem is that someone will trust that knowledge that says if he pushes the button today he will win. He could destroy half the world and have what is left all under his scary thumb. Greed, riches, power, control. All of humankinds worst traits – has always been.

So let’s figure this out – what can stop this from happening. Take your brightest mathematicians, can they solve hate? Can your politicians solve greed and power? Can your scientists or doctors solve hunger or the creation of pandemics. Can rich people give Putin enough money to stop? Can Crypto currency stop anything or is it just another example of greed? Greed and power are seemingly limitless..
Here’s our answer. The only solution to virtually all the worlds problems is the very trait that Ai will never understand or know – Love.

Could Love be the most powerful thing on earth. Isn’t love the real lesson here on this planet that we are supposed to learn. The only thing we cannot buy, the only thing we can take with us or count on when we leave this planet. You can’t buy loved ones, they are a gift. Isn’t it ironic and just so perfect that this is our salvation to the worlds problems. When you count what matters really in your life in the end it will not be the big house or the flatscreen tv or the fancy car. What matters more than your Ferrari is your dog, your friends, your kids and spouse, your uncles and aunts your parents, grandparents and neighbors. You maybe worked your whole life for the stuff you bought and here at the end it was just the free gifts of love that mattered most. And that is how we take out the bad actors.

When a little asian lady is in line at the store next to a tall black man she should feel protected by his presence not scared. Crime, suicide, homelessness and depression are also directly related to the lack of love and belonging that these people feel in their lives. The simplest answer, the only answer is to treat everyone with kindness and love and to value their differences. When we quit chasing fame, fortune, power and money then those who have those things and do not help their fellow man or community as much as they help themselves should be embarrassed. The greatest people of all time are people who got only love in return not fortune. The nurse from Chicago that volunteered in a refugee camp in Uganda and upon returning realized her life felt empty without the meaningful work and so she went back to the refugee camp and its horrible conditions where she was needed so much.

Can a LLLOOOP wristband send a message of love without ever saying a word? Support the well being of this planet and all it inhabitants with the only message that can save humanity from ourselves. There is only one race, the human race